The first workday of the week is about to end and, as promised, I'll be posting something. Not much really happened today at work. I just spend almost half of the day trying to personalize everything on my work PC, from wallpaper to the littlest animation of icons on the taskbar. Well, ya can't blame me. It's my first time to work on a Unix platform, and for me it's way too cool than windows XP. The experience was only quite overwhelming, so after exploring one desktop environment, I got a little bit saturated already. BUT! There's more desktop envs, so I'm gonna try the other one tomorrow. heehee.
Some of my co-hardware engs just came from Japan. And, as usual, they brought chocolates as their pasalubong.
The company meeting today was, so far, the wackiest assembly I've had.
I did not enroll in nihonggo class. At least for now. First, because I wanted to have a classmate coming from the same group and project as I am. Second, because I have other books to finish, a blog to take care of, a blog template to study and alter the appearance, a comic series to finish, a number of things to download, etc. In other words, I'll be bumming around first (if that's what you'd call it, but hey! I'm undergoing project-specific training huh!) before I finally decide to concentrate on learning my 'very' second foreign language.
Whew. ;)
I almost forgot I had a blogspot account.
7 years ago
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